EPDM Caps for High Temperatures 180° – 220°C

Reusable for a few production cycles

Operating temperatures up to °C 220

Sizes from M2 to M120 and bigger
Technical Information
Promask’s EPDM caps for high-temp. masking offer an excellent resistance to chemical agents.
Used to cover tubes, threaded parts, and studs during plating, anodizing, and powder coating.
For 180°C operating temperatures up to 220°C for short cycles. Withstands many harsh and abrasive environments. Reusable for some cycles.
Typical applications of Tapered Silicon Plugs HT
- Masking for threaded parts (male) and studs
- Masking (plating, anodizing, cold zinc coating, tumbling, sanding)
- No risk of contamination to paint line
- Reusable

EPDM Caps for High Temperatures
- Diam. Ø (A) mm: Inside Diameter
- Diam. Ø (B) mm: OD External Diameter
- Total internal Length (L) mm
Please choose a size with the Minor Diametre (B) slightly smaller than your hole size. The plug should insert until about half lenght.
For example if you need to seal a 20mm hole than choose our PN PSTP-0110-1000.
Codice diam. ø
“A” mmdiam. ø
“B” mmLunghezza
per confez.PSC-0020-0500 0,51 3,56 12,70 M1 1000 PSC-0037-0500 0,94 2,54 12,70 1000 PSC-0040-0750 1,02 4,06 19,05 1000 PSC-0062-0750 1,57 4,62 19,05 M2 1000 PSC-0070-1000 1,78 4,83 25,40 1000 PSC-0093-0500 2,36 4,95 12,70 M3 1000 PSC-0093-1000 2,36 5,41 25,40 1000 PSC-0100-1000 2,54 5,59 25,40 1000 PSC-0109-1000 2,77 5,82 25,40 1000 PSC-0125-1000 3,18 6,22 25,40 M4 1000 PSC-0137-1000 3,48 6,53 25,40 1000 PSC-0140-1000 3,56 6,73 25,40 1000 PSC-0148-1000 3,76 6,81 25,40 1000 PSC-0156-1000 3,96 7,01 25,40 1000 PSC-0164-1000 4,17 7,42 25,40 M5 1000 PSC-0172-1000 4,37 7,42 25,40 1000 PSC-0180-1000 4,57 7,11 25,40 1000 PSC-0218-1000 5,54 8,59 25,40 M6 1000 PSC-0223-1000 5,66 8,71 25,40 1000 PSC-0234-1000 5,94 8,99 25,40 1000 PSC-0250-1000 6,35 9,40 25,40 M7 1000 PSC-0281-1000 7,14 10,19 25,40 M8 1000 PSC-0295-1000 7,49 10,67 25,40 500 PSC-0312-1000 7,92 10,97 25,40 1000 PSC-0340-1000 8,64 11,68 25,40 M9 500 PSC-0343-1000 8,71 11,76 25,40 1000 PSC-0355-1500 9,02 12,07 38,10 1000 PSC-0375-1000 9,53 12,57 25,40 M10 1000 PSC-0375-1500 9,53 12,57 38,10 1000 PSC-0406-1000 10,31 13,36 25,40 M11 1000 PSC-0437-1000 11,10 14,15 25,40 M12 1000 PSC-0456-1500 11,58 14,63 38,10 500 PSC-0468-1500 11,89 14,94 38,10 500 PSC-0480-1500 12,19 15,24 38,10 M13 500 PSC-0500-1500 12,70 15,75 38,10 500 PSC-0535-1500 13,59 16,64 38,10 M14 500 PSC-0562-1500 14,27 17,32 38,10 M15 500 PSC-0600-1500 15,24 18,29 38,10 M16-17 500 PSC-0625-1500 15,88 18,92 38,10 500 PSC-0468-1000 17,27 20,32 25,40 M18 500 PSC-0687-1500 17,45 20,50 38,10 500 PSC-0730-1500 18,54 21,59 38,10 M19 500 PSC-0750-1500 19,05 22,10 38,10 M20 200 PSC-0812-1500 20,62 23,67 38,10 M 21-22 200 PSC-0875-1500 22,23 25,27 38,10 M23-24 200 PSC-0937-1500 23,80 26,85 38,10 M25 200 PSC-0970-1500 24,64 27,81 38,10 250 PSC-1000-1500 25,40 28,45 38,10 M26-27 200 PSC-1000-2000 25,40 28,45 50,80 200 PSC-1062-1500 26,97 30,02 38,10 M28 200 PSC-1125-1500 28,58 31,62 38,10 M29-30 100 PSC-1187-1500 30,15 33,20 38,10 M31-32 100 PSC-1250-1500 31,75 34,80 38,10 M33-35 100 PSC-1350-1500 34,29 37,34 38,10 100 PSC-1375-1500 34,93 37,97 38,10 M35-38 100 PSC-1500-1500 38,10 41,15 38,10 M39-44 100 PSC-1625-1500 41,28 44,32 38,10 100 PSC-1750-1500 44,45 47,50 38,10 M45-51 100 PSC-1875-1500 47,63 50,67 38,10 100 PSC-2000-2000 50,80 53,85 50,80 M52-55 100 PSC-2500-1500 63,50 66,55 38,10 100 Contac our Sales Department for different sizes not shown in chart.
Just fill up the form below and we will send you the samples to try. Please keep in mind the correct way of selecting the size described in this page. Thank you
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